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How To Create An At Home Wellness Retreat

How To Create An At Home Wellness Retreat


Sometimes we really don’t have time or the money to go away but that shouldn’t stop us from taking time for ourselves or even going a tiny step further and creating our own at home wellness retreat.

How to prepare for an at home wellness retreat:

  1. Schedule in a time

The first step to making this happen is giving yourself permission to take this time, tell those around you that you are taking a day for yourself – manifest it and get it out into the world. Literally write it in your calendar (both personal and work) and put a reminder/alarm in your phone. If you live with other people let them know and turn your room into a sanctuary

  1. Don’t let anything change this

If you are a busy person and know it may clash with other life activities, set yourself a back up date and don’t allow any movement on that one if the first date falls through. Let your friends and family know your phone will be off and you will be uncontactable.

  1. Treat the home wellness retreat date as if you are doing it for your best friend

For some reason the thought of letting other people down doesn’t feel great and we will do nearly everything in our power to make sure it doesn’t happen. But when it comes to letting ourselves down we do it regularly, so it is time to see this date as a plan for and with your best friend, there is no one more important to you than this person.

  1. Buy your favourite food and products to help with your retreat experience.

You can either do this the morning of or prior to your retreat day depending on what fits in your schedule. Here are some shopping list ideas:

  • Epsom Salts
  • Candle
  • Colouring in book
  • Healthy snacks
  • Face mask and skin care
  • Any additional items you may need to buy to complete your favourite activities

Now it is time to enjoy your favourite calming and grounding activities (a day to reset and think of only you).

Our activity ideas for your next at home wellness retreat: 

  1. Colouring in
  2. Taking a long hot bath with epsom salts and your favourite candle burning
  3. Reading a book in the sun in a park nearby
  4. Flying a kite
  5. Meditating
  6. Cooking your favourite healthy meals
  7. Knitting or Macrame
  8. Outdoor individual activities such as surfing, running, walking
  9. Online yoga (simply search on youtube the type of yoga you are in the mood for and let them guide you)
  10. Meditation – Insight timer is a great free app you can download and try different forms of meditation and can filter according to your mood and objective.

The Good Index is Australia’s leading retreat guide, created to inspire you to take a break with health as your number one priority. One platform with hundreds of wellness destinations to discover. Reconnect with what’s important to you and experience the benefits of retreats first hand.

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