Retreats are important for many reasons, allowing you to pull back, get inspired, detox, establish a routine, and remember who you are. Retreat actually comes from the Latin verb “to pull back”, therefore, retreats are a place where you go to pull back from the world.
Below Are 5 Reasons Why Retreats Are So Important:
1. Pull Back
Deciding to visit a retreat is strategic. You withdraw from your regular life and gather all the energy that’s usually pulled in several different directions, collecting all your forces to focus them on something you cherish and love. Following this, you gain a new perspective, you recollect your thoughts, and re-energise, finding inspiration and springing this into action. Escaping from all the noise gives you focus on what inspires you, whether that be yoga, writing, or even forming a new business plan.
2. Get Inspired
Inspiration won’t land in your lap out of nowhere while you blindly do the same mundane routine every day, it’s a frame of mind that comes best from a change of landscape and outlook. Inspiration and creativity occurs when shift your focus away from your day job to your day dream. You play with what inspires you, whether it’s sewing, writing, jogging, painting, cooking or a little bit of everything.
3. Detox
People often come on retreat and sleep for days or dream vividly for the first time in what seems like years. It astounds them, but it’s never surprising to us. We all need to unload, clean out and empty our mental space. You will leave a retreat feeling lighter, clearer, recharged and much more present in life. This new perspective can even guide you to make necessary changes in your life, changes that may be a long time coming.
4. Remember Who You Are
As you’d know, society wants to label you something and fit you in this mould until you don’t think any different – whether that be mother, father, sister, husband, friend, or lover. It’s so important for people to be reminded that we are actually individuals, human beings, rather than humans who do things. On retreat you can drop all the roles, and just be you for the first time in decades.
5. Establish a Routine/Practice
If you’re trying to squeeze time into an already stacked schedule, building one that includes some relaxing or creative outlets at home can take years. Establishing them on a retreat is leaps and bounds easier, as you finally have the time and even get encouraged by the example of others. You can go back home and re-establish your life in a completely new way.
Basically, retreats are important because people leave retreats fitter, rested, happier and clearer, how could you not want a piece of that?
The Good Index is Australia’s leading retreat guide, created to inspire you to take a break with health as your number one priority. One platform with hundreds of wellness destinations to discover. Reconnect with what’s important to you and experience the benefits of retreats first hand.