GOOD FOR: Those looking to learn more about themselves and reconnect with their authentic self
Path Retreats profound and enriching personal growth and development workshops integrate the latest research and understandings in scientific and spiritual development. The Path of Love 7-day Retreat is a deep and intensive personal development process that has produced life-changing and breakthrough results for thousands of people all over the world. During this week-long personal growth and development process you will do guided meditations, emotional release work, self-enquiry, writing assignments, and sharing with others in what we call a small group (which is usually from 9 to 12 people).
In the modern world many of us long for real connection: to live at a deeper and more meaningful level and to connect more authentically with ourselves and others, but depression, anxiety, addiction, dissatisfaction, and loneliness are at epidemic levels. We feel more alienated and emotionally detached from other people than we ever have before. Path of Love is about closing this gap. It combines a variety of psychological and spiritual approaches to help us reclaim parts of ourselves that we have lost, and encompasses an uncompromising focus on truth and trust. It provides essential tools for establishing connection and loving relationships with ourselves and others.
Path Retreats have nurtured a safe and supportive environment for you to work in absolute confidentiality with dedicated team of skilled facilitators and group leaders trained in a wide range of approaches and modalities. Each team member has a passionate longing to wake up to their own potential and to help others to do the same.
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