
A Different Drummer

A Different Drummer


Product Description


Looking for something a little different from a yoga retreat / meditation centre or perhaps undergo something more transformative than simply unwinding at a health and wellness retreat?

Our program takes a mind, body and spirit approach utilising modalities such as breath work, reiki, spiritual healing, intuitive counselling, the tarot and more.


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Programmes & Offerings

Day 1

Morning Session

We begin by exchanging a story from each of our lives, for what is more powerful than storytelling?  Claiming our stories and reframing our lives as a hero’s or heroine’s adventure can be one of the most empowering measures we take.

Mid Morning Session

The second session involves having a counselling session. My approach is different from traditional counselling in that I use an intuitive process to focus on the heart of issues rather than what the conscious mind might think is important.


Afternoon Session

Breathwork is a valuable tool that helps to bypass the rational mind and work through blockages and outworn beliefs or trauma stored in the body. For those who have not explored this modality before I guide you through the process in a gentle and supportive manner.

Mid Afternoon Session

In the last session of your first day, you’ll focus on clarifying your values to find out what is most important to you as well as look at your sense of purpose or mission in the world. This provides insight into how you can better align the circumstances of your life to match your values and purpose.

Dinner (or the option for you to take in one of the local dining facilities)

Optional Evening Activity

Day 2

Morning Session

Day 2 begins with a tarot reading. The tarot draws on both our subconscious and the collective conscious to relay messages which our rational or conscious minds often overlook.

Mid Morning Session

The session involves rethinking your potential, outlining goals and forming a tangible plan to bring more balance into your life and help move you further along the path of the heart.


Afternoon Session

In this guidance session will we explore what came up for you in the previous session and tie everything together.

Mid Afternoon Session

Our last session will involve a reiki or energetic healing session to help release any lingering blockages and ground the new energies which have come in during your intensive experience.


Sacred Union is a program for single men and women, as well as couples. Too often we segregate into men’s retreats and women’s retreats, rather than celebrate the dynamism that occurs when femininity and masculinity dance together.

Integrating the masculine and feminine polarities is one of the most enduring and difficult challenges we are tasked with.

This 2 day retreat is designed to help healing parental relationships and repair intergenerational wounds.

It aims to enhance partnerships as well as better prepare singles for future relationships.

Thirdly, it focuses on helping you as an individual find right relationship with your feminine and masculine energies.

It can be taken as a therapy retreat for an individual or couple, as well as a group experience for those who learn best from interacting with a range of people.

Food & Drink


Check availabilities on A Different Drummer’s Website

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