
Retreat Enquiry Form

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    Heal For Life Retreat Health Professionals

    Hunter Valley, New South Wales
    Starts from $1,000 per night

    Heal For Life offers specialist private retreats aimed at helping to open the door to healing of childhood trauma. The vast majority of people suffering from addictions, depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses share a common background of childhood trauma or abuse. Generally, health professionals do not mention this connection and so many people end up with a profound sense of failure, as if they “should” be more together.

    Heal For Life’s highly successful program has been developed by combining the latest scientific research on the effects of trauma on the brain with intuitive knowledge gathered from many survivors of child abuse over time. Heal For Life provide a safe environment within their mental health retreat to help you get in touch with, and heal, your inner self – the part of you that is carrying the impact of the trauma you survived.

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    The property offers three private venues in Darkinjung country in the tranquil Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Located at 277 Wollong Road, Quorrobolong NSW, Australia