
Ribbon Reef Expedition

Ribbon Reef Expedition


Product Description

Join as we set sail on a magical adventure exploring this stunning and rarely visited chain of ten spectacular reefs, exploring our hidden depths as we dive deep into breathwork, self discovery and crystal blue waters.

The Ribbon Reef

Lying on the outer edges of the Great Barrier Reef, the Ribbon Reefs are home to some of the worlds most famous dive sites.

The reefs here thankfully have very little human contact, which has ensured that they can support an outstanding range of biodiversity and marine life for divers and snorkelers. Depth varies anywhere from 5 – 35M, making this a perfect destination for free divers of all experience levels.

There are dozens of unique dive sites within the Ribbon Reefs, including drift dives, wall dives, swim throughs, caves and exploring colourful coral gardens and bommies. With great visibility all year round you’ll be sure to witness as many of the GBR’s 1500 fish and 400 coral species as possible. Much of this life will be encountered in shallow waters between 23 and 29 degrees, and in fact it is rare that you’ll be diving deeper than 20 metres, except when practicing line diving of course.

Upcoming Retreat Dates:

  • 6th – 10th July 2023 

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