
Men’s Expedition Heart Of Winter

Men’s Expedition Heart Of Winter


Product Description

Why do so many men feel alone? Join the Men’s Expedition Heart Of Winter and know you don’t have to feel this way.There’s so much pressure to be a bloke, to be tough, to be strong, to not lose face, to keep a stiff upper lip and all the other trappings that machismo and perceived masculinity bring.

At the same time, you are told we need to open up more, to show your vulnerable side, to be gentler, softer, more understanding. Yet you can’t be seen to be weak or afraid.

So many conflicting messages and zero space to pause, take stock and reconnect to who we really are at our essence. It’s no wonder men’s mental health is at an all time low.

Upcoming Retreat Dates:

    • 29th September- 2nd October 2023

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